donderdag 10 december 2015

Seeds #9: David & The Circumstances

We are proud to present Singer - Songwriter - Act David & The Circumstances! After having lead his Indierock band "The Circumstances" for 7 years he has just released his first solo album called "This Part Of Me" with a more minimalistic approach, as I would characterize it. Read more about his music below in Dutch.

Be welcome and start out your new year with David & The Circumstances at the Seeds series!

Singer-songwriter David Groeneweg schrijft liedjes over existentiële vragen, licht, duisternis en het schemergebied daartussenin. Zijn teksten gaan over de niet aan te wijzen scheidslijn tussen het ik en de omstandigheden, de rivier en de zee, perfectie en imperfectie. Verstilde gitaar- en pianoklanken ondersteunen zijn poëtische boodschap. Invloeden zijn Radiohead, Bright Eyes en Bob Dylan.

David is sinds 2008 actief als leider van indierockband The Circumstances. In 2013 gooit hij het roer om en besluit een soloalbum op te nemen onder de naam David & The Circumstances. Ditmaal geen scheurende gitaarwalmen, maar akoestische gitaartokkels, minimalistische pianopartijen, rafelige achtergrondzang en subtiele e-bow geluiden.

Thursday, January 7th

20.00, doors open 19.30


Paradijslaan 115

3034 SJ Rotterdam


entrance: 5 €


Seeds is a non profit event, all ticket incomes go directly to the artists. If you like what they do, extra donations are welcome!

vrijdag 27 november 2015

Seeds #8: Giving Up For A New Landing

The coming edition of Seeds promises to be very spontaneous. It is dedicated to nowadays refugees. I will be there on the piano and I will be joined by surprise guests. I am sure we will enjoy a colorful musical time together. The garage in Crooswijk welcomes you with its raw feel! Be there to join the evening with an original "Crooswijkse Bocht" beer. Greetings - Benjamin Strauch

Thursday December 3rd

20.00, door 19.30

Paradijslaan 115

3034 SJ Rotterdam

entrance 7 € / 5 € reduction

dinsdag 20 oktober 2015

Seeds #7: Choca Alcazaba & Friends

The upcoming edition of Seeds will present the Self taught multi-instrumentalist Choca Alcazaba, founder of Dutch psychedelic jazz-rock formation The New Earth Group, composer of yet another great album ‘Hurts Really Happy’ soon to be released.  

We are looking forward to the night when he will awaken our cosy garage in Croowsijk to new life with Jasper den Dulk on drums, Vincent van Duin on guitar and Erwin Stoepman on guitar! I am sure it will widen our scopes on both sides of the imaginary stage curtains!

With a hint of chilli’s, flares of light, a sweep of smoke and dressed in a jazz-coat, they will do their best to bring rotterdam underground instrumental music to a higher level.

Come join for ecstatic-die-hard-experimental-jazz-punk-space-noise-rock and enjoy another nice night at Seeds while sippin’ your favorite drink...  

Thursday November 5th

Paradijslaan 115, 3034 SJ Rotterdam

20.00, doors open 19.30 


Entrance: 7 € / 5 € (low income) 


Seeds is part of Jazz In Crooswijk and Stichting Live At The Playground 

woensdag 23 september 2015

Seeds #6: Invitation Tools

Two ways of performing: One goes via sound, another via spoken word. Benjamin Strauch triggers the audience's own participation in a call - response game. Whereas Toine Horvers offers a view and leaves it up to the audience to go with it or not.

Thursday October 1st

20.00, doors open 19.30


Paradijslaan 115

3034 SJ Rotterdam 


7 € / 5 € (low incomes)


Benjamin Strauch - Mesh Serum

Mesh Serum is a concert program with compositions and improvisations based on the Blues and influenced by contemporary classical music and rock music. It is inspired by the interweaving mesh established during encounters of people.

Toine Horvers - Rotation 2015

This work was inspired by the eternal rotating movement (Galaxy). It is an important metaphor in the ideas and ceremonies of the Mevlevi Sufi-order, with which Toine Horvers recently had very inspirational meetings in Istanbul.

woensdag 15 juli 2015


Seeds #5 met Toine Horvers, Stephanie & Benjamin en Robin den Drijver

9 Juli 2015

donderdag 2 juli 2015

Telling and being moved

Fifth edition of Seeds

The fifth edition of Seeds presents an evening on words seen by three different artists. The researching performance Inis Oírr about an island in the Atlantic Ocean by Toine Horvers meets a brave journey by the duo Stephanie & Benjamin and the trippy solo performance by singer-songwriter Robin den Drijver. Be there, it’s a favourable opportunity!

Thursday July 9th

19.30, doors open 19.00


new location:

Paradijslaan 115

3034 SJ Rotterdam


 entrance: 7 € / 5 € (low incomes)

dinsdag 19 mei 2015

Seeds #4 with Tamara Woestenburg and Ventriloquism

Seeds presents an intriguing show as a double bill. A very personal encounter with Tamara Woestenburg performing her songs solo will be joined by an energetic invitation to life by a duo performance of Ventriloquism with bass guitar and tap dance.

Tamara Woestenburg

Tamara Woestenburg sings and writes songs. She is expressive, original and raw, which is reflected in her songs. Both solo and supported by a band, the singer/songwriter presents different spheres and genres: from small and intimate, till ambitiously big; from Folk through Jazz to raw Rock. Tamara's moving and exciting voice, her intense performance and personal songs, are supported by imaginative instruments and arrangements.


Het staat voor buikspreken - uit het latijn: venter (buik) en loqui (spreken) - en is bekend door het gebruik van handpoppen. De zogenaamde ventriloquist manipuleert de stem zo dat het lijkt alsof het ergens anders vandaan komt, zoals een pop. Bruno gebruikt echter instrumenten en andere artiesten om ditzelfde effect te krijgen.
Hij heeft verschillende composities gemaakt die on- derdeel vormen van een carrousel die gespeeld kan worden in verschillende samenstellingen. Inmiddels zijn er 17 stukken, maar het aantal blijft groeien. De compos- ities vinden hun oorsprong op de basgitaar maar kunnen allemaal worden uitgevoerd op andere instrumenten en door andere artiesten zonder dat ze de compositorische integriteit verliezen.

Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva (bas, concept, composities)
Janne Eraker (tapdans)

Donderdag 11 juni 2015

Aanvang 19.30, zaal open 18.30

Huys Te Krooswijk
Paradijsplein 1
3034 SL Rotterdam

Entree 7 € / 5 € (lage inkomens)

woensdag 6 mei 2015

Third Concert with Costa - Ernsting, Costa - Paunov and Strauch - Ernsting

Dear all,
The third edition of Seeds is coming up. A concert series with the aim to experience and re-create music through players and audience. An Improvisation night with three different duos.

saxofone Hugo Costa
laptop Ivo Paunov
piano Benjamin Strauch
drums Philipp Ernsting.

The only composition of the night will be "Extinction Story" by Ivo Paunov and Hugo Costa.


Hugo Costa & Philipp Ernsting form a new free jazz/improvisation duo from Rotterdam. Their music is created in and from the moment, resulting in a fine blend that can be both noisy and violent, sometimes melodic and subtle. Both musicians are skilled and very empathetic players, and enjoy exploring the interplay and space between pure rhythm, lyricism and harmony. The music is intended to always move forward and surprise.

Benjamin Strauch

Benjamin Strauch, born 1985 in Weimar, Germany, is a pianist with a fixed point in Jazz. As a soloist, in trio and interacting with other art directions. Improvisation, spontaneous response to the place, the audience and to the line up come together with a wide range of sound possibilities. His playing comes equally from experience and re-creation. As a graduate of the Rotterdam Conservatory traditional Jazz is familiar to him. Exploring complex sounds his style has clear references to the Blues as well as an undertone of Soul. Raw sounds and structures are catalysts of a reciprocal reaction between ego and echo through players and audience. Freedom communicates with the moment when people call in between, move through the space or are surprised by themselves.

Thursday May 14

19.30, doors open 18.30

Huys Te Krooswijk
Paradijsplein 1
3034 SL Rotterdam

Entrance: 7 € / 5 € (low incomes)

zaterdag 2 mei 2015


Yellow Dog Trio, 9 april 2015 

foto's: Carl Weidner

 Popper's Nephews, 13 maart 2015

vrijdag 27 maart 2015

Tweede concert met Yellow Dog Trio

Donderdag 9 April 19.30

Zaal open 18.30

Laat muziek dicht bij je komen, muziek die je uitdaagt en thuis laat voelen.

Met het Yellow Dog Trio, de samenwerking van de Duitse pianist Benjamin Strauch, de Portugese contrabassist Gonçalo Almeida en de Nederlandse slagwerker Friso van Wijck.

Huys te Krooswijk


3034 SL Rotterdam


Entree: 7 € / 5 € (lage inkomens)

zaterdag 28 februari 2015

Eerste concert met Poppers's Nephews

Donderdag 12 Maart 19.30

zaal open 18.30

Popper's Nephews is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Eloy BGM Everwijn, singer-songwriter en Benjamin Strauch, toetsenist en componist. Everwijn zingt met doorleefde stem zijn poëtisch-ironische teksten. Soms leest hij een verhaaltje voor. Strauch becommentarieert in pianistische taal de inhoud, groovend met een breed klankscala en een duidelijke soulinslag. De teksten zijn in het Engels en in het Nederlands met uiteenlopende onderwerpen, zoals nare visite, quantummechanica en de voordelen van een hooggelegen balkon.

Huys Te Krooswijk

Paradijsplein 1

3034 SL Rotterdam


entree 7 € / 5 € (lage inkomens)